Right now, I'm taking Bootcamp in Manila, Philippines to learn web development.
Bill Gates reads 50 books a year, Obama praises reading and Elon Musk alegedly read two books a day in his teenage years. If they can do it, I can do it.
In my spare time I'm learning solidity from a possibly pirated Udemy course, and in other moments I listen to podcasts like The Money and The Philosopher's Zone from ABC Radio National.
Milestone: Finishing the Bootcamp I'm currently enrolled in. It ends with a month internship starting July. Want a switched-on junior dev? Contact me.
Become a Solidity Developer (by Christmas this year)Milestone: Finishing the Udemy course I'm taking. It's teaching me how to write smart contracts.Annother milestone: Get a job, building good and useful Ethereum applications.
Learn Deep Learning (from 2019 till I get it)Big milestone: Work with top people to ensure that artificial intelligence is good by 2030-2050 (hence save the world).
Start a business, at some point.Starting or joining a business allows me to solve bigger problems: I can compound results by colaborating with like-minded people, and I can build structures that work much better than I do.
This project was created in the process of learning Ruby on Rails. I tried to undestand the whole information flow from a beginner level, and this proved frustrating and unacheivable. I vowed one day I would.
I did some more work, and enjoyed it becasue the rails started becoming less magic and more sense.
I still aim to understand rails better; I'm reading 'The Rails 5 Way' by Obie Fernandez.
My first ever css project was a design portfolio and can be found here. I had little knowlege of CSS when starting it and so trying to build was unpleasant.
So I made this website instead. I was challenged learning bootstrap along the way however I found it fulfilling becasue it eventually ended up with the website you're on right now.
What I learned in this project: 1. Learn enough to build before you build. 2. Asking for help is good. 3. Taking breaks is good.
View this site's GithubIs currently in progess. It is a co-working space manager, focusing on user experience.
I wanted to build it to solve the pain-points associated with running the co-working space my course is currently being held at.
A particular exersize I found enjoyable was creating a robot simulator. We were given a set of coordinates, and a set of instructions ( left right, move, etc.) and had to move the robot to its expected destination. I was proud of my use of classes and case statments in this exersize.
Check out the source code here
I have done plenty of other ruby exersizes and mini-projects. You can veiw them in my Github
So far I have used HTML and CSS to build this website. I am building a co-working space web-app and will be applying HTML and CSS to that. Its a longer-term project where alot of my effort will be directed, checkout its Github Repo
I have no learned some Javascript in my spare time, I will be learning it through the Bootcamp officially in June.
The boocamp will teach basic React in June, however, I self-taught reactJS and built a youtube clone using ReactJS as a side project.
I have some small experience using node through small projects, however the bootcamp will teach it in August.
I am a leading member on the Co-space project, built with Rails. view its progress here.
I take pride in learning Solidity. My spare time goes to learning Solidity. The best current contract I've built for the Ethereum Blockchain is a lottery contract View it here.